Tuesday 9 December 2014

Simple Summer tea

We have been enjoying some late rain around the Geelong, Torquay across to Lorne and through the beautiful Otways rainforest,  but I THINK the hot weather is just around the corner- down here in Southern Victoria it has been raining and the fire has been on again recently but at least the tanks are full!... So in light of Summer being here I wanted to share a simple tip to cool and rehydrate your body, whilst aiding digestion and helping your Liver Qi flow freely.... and that is the wonderful peppermint tea. This will grow like crazy so what better Christmas present to share with someone than a lovely (BIG!) pot with some peppermint growing in it.
If you would like to take it further, add some chrysanthemum flower, Mulberry leaf and licorice root to increase the heat reducing effect (in cases like sore throat or headache), or some lovely Goji berries with Chrysanthemum to make the delicious "Happy tea", a recipe my teacher passed onto me. Happy days everyone!