In Autumn, our bodies are adjusting to the colder weather and we need to boost our immune systems to prepare for the onslaught of colds and flus that come our way. Autumn is the season of the Lung(yin organ) and Large intestine(yang partner) so in the clinic I am paying particular attention to the health of these organs. For example, I am asking "Have you done a parasite cleanse recently?" , because parasites undermine our body's defensive energy. In Chinese Medicine a cleanse is recommended in Autumn (gentle Lung/Large intestine focused) and Spring (Liver/gall bladder- more on this in Sept). A parasite cleanse done properly will deal with candida as well. I recommend a period of cleansing (approx 18days), spent eating lighter foods and engaging in a parasite cleansing program, using the herbs Black Walnut, cloves and wormwood, as well as psyllium husk and bentonite clay in the first week. I also recommend diatomaceous earth for any pets in the house- used regularly it eliminates the whole spectrum of internal parasites. So consider your own health today and ask how you could spend a few weeks giving yourself the boost you might need to have a wonderful, well winter!